Monday, January 22, 2007

Idle Thoughts

Thank goodness for the internet, now I can post my journal "online", without the clutter of paper. ^_^ I started writing journals about my plants in particular a few years back, and using a notebook at that! Now, I don't know where those notes are. I must have misplaced it or worse, I must have thrown them into the trash when I was doing my spring cleaning. =P

I think this is more convenient and clutter-free.

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Whatever comes to my mind, I write down when the mood arise.

Whatever data I stumble upon on the net which I find interesting, I put here in my blog.

If ever you may find your article here, it only means that I truly liked what you have posted.

This blog is for personal use ONLY and it is not intended for commercial nor promotional use.

The author may in one way or another use caustic or inappropriate words in this blog hence readers are forewarned.